Return Policy
General Returns Policy
You may return most new, unopened items sold and shipped by SCS within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We will pay the return shipping costs (within the 48 contiguous United States) if the return is a result of our error or defective product.
Some items are designated “non-returnable” and may not be returned.
Refunds for returned items will be issued within 2 weeks of receipt of the product.
Returnable items that are opened, used, or returned more than 30 days after delivery will receive a partial refund. This partial refund is usually 80% of the purchase price but may be less if the quantities are large.
After 90 days, products may only be returned by special agreement with SCS and at their sole discretion.
If you receive a defective item and wish to exchange for the same item, contact SCS Customer Service at for assistance. Please provide us evidence of the defect and we will immediately ship you a replacement (if we have one available).
Large or Heavy Items:
Large or heavy items that were shipped by special agreement require approval by SCS prior to their return. Contact SCS Customer Service at for these items.